How to Reach Your Audience through Facebook ads and the Key Takeaways

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are advertisements you create, promote, and monitor on Facebook. Ads feature a variety of mediums such as text ads, image ads, or video ads, but in the end they’re all designed to help businesses drive traffic to their website through Facebook.

Facebook ads are used to promote the product or service in one of Facebook's news feed display ads or in custom audiences.

How to Get Started with Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is a great way to get your brand out there and in front of people. But how do you know where to start?

In this article, we will go over some of the basics of Facebook advertising and how you can get started with Facebook ads today.

We will cover:

·         How to generate a Facebook Ad Campaign

·         How to Target Your Audience

·         What Kinds of Ads Exist on Facebook

·         How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

How to create a Facebook Ad:

Build a Facebook ad that fits your business and gets the right people to your website. If you’re just getting started with Facebook ads, we’ve got a free guide you can download here to help you get started. The first step in creating a Facebook ad is to decide what kind of ad you want to run. You can choose from main types of ads:

1.      Product Ads: These are the most common type of ad, and they’re designed to get people to buy a product or service from your business. These can be effective for both B2B and B2C companies, but it’s important that you have an exact offer in mind before you start creating them.

2.      Carousel Ads: These ads show multiple images in a row. You can include up to five photos or video clips, each one with its own link.

3.      Static FBX: These are single-image ads that appear in the right column on desktop and mobile browsers. -Facebook

4.      Lead Ads: These are the most common type of ad and they’re great for getting people to fill out a form on your website or subscribe to your email list. You can use these ads to get people interested in what you have to offer and then point them towards a landing page where they can learn more.

5.      Canvas ads: These are full-page ads that take up the entire screen and include a single image or video.

6.      Shortened link ads: These are text-based ads that show a shortened link to your website.

How to target your audience:

Do you want to target a specific audience, or just a general area? If it's okay to ask, why not reach out to those who have made purchases from your competitors? Are you trying to stand out from the crowd and differentiate your brand from others in an overcrowded market? These are great reasons for targeting your audience. If these seem too broad, then think about your location or geographic region.

Are you trying to reach out to people in a specific town, city or area? If so, then it's important to think about

·         What makes this location unique. Is there something unique about it that would make your business relevant?

·         What are some of the most popular products and services in this location?

You can use these as inspiration for your ad campaign.

What kind of Ads exit on Facebook:

Facebook ads are different from the traditional forms of marketing, but that doesn't mean they're not effective. Here's what different types of ads exist on Facebook and why you might want to use them.

Here are the major types of ads that exist on Facebook:

·         Store and Product Ads

·         Custom Audiences

·         Audience Network Ads

·         Instagram Ads

·         Sponsored Stories

Finally, we'll cover the major types of ad experiences that people have with these kinds of ads.

 How much do Facebook ad cost:

Ad campaigns on Facebook can be expensive, but that doesn't mean that you have to shell out a huge sum. With the average cost of an advertisement currently at just $1 per day, it's easy to make a small investment and get thousands of targeted users visiting your website or app.

As with any advertising campaign, starting up your own Facebook ad campaign can be cost-prohibitive. Thankfully, there are many ways to get started with Facebook ads without having to spend a substantial amount of money on ads. Today, we’re going to share 10 FREE (yes…without the hyphen) tips for starting an effective Facebook ad campaign that allows you to maximize relevant results and ROI.

The Fundamentals of Facebook Ads Campaigns

Facebook Ads are one of the most effective ways you can use to drive traffic to your website. This course will teach you how to make the most effective Facebook Ads using a step-by-step approach that is easy enough for anyone to follow. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a Facebook Ad campaign from scratch and know how to make adjustments based on performance.

This course will teach you:

·         How to design an ad that will get noticed on Facebook.

·         How to attract visitors who are likely candidates for your products or services.

·         What different types of Facebook Ads are available and when to use them (including video)


Which Ad Types Should You Use?

Ads with the best type for Facebook is very important. If you want your ad to get noticed by a lot of people, the best option available is ads that are designed to do maximum clickthrough/likes and shares. Ads with pictures can have better chance of getting clicked on than text-only ads. And similarly, if you have an image-heavy ad, then it will be much easier for users to click on you."

The best type of ad for Facebook is one that has a clear and concise message. You should try to be as straightforward as possible and provide only the information that is absolutely necessary. If you have a lot of text in your ad, then it will not click on as many people's attention as it would if it were more visually appealing."


Conclusion & Key Takeaways

Do you have a Facebook page? Great! So does everyone else and even though you may be getting visitors to your page, how many of those visitors do you convert? A lot of people don’t know how to make their page as effective as possible. This post takes a look at Facebook Ads and some of the best ways to get people onto your landing page.

This course provides an overview of Facebook ads, describes the key points to focus on when creating an ad campaign and gives real-world examples of successful campaigns. It also provides insight into running a successful business on Facebook as well as insights beyond Facebook's platform.